Let’s make your Vaccine check-in simple

  • Option 1 - Most simple(IOS)

    Download and store the information of your vaccination card and picture ID. Eliminates the need to carry around your documents.

  • Option 1 - Most simple(Android)

    Download and store the information of your vaccination card and picture ID. Eliminates the need to carry around your documents.

  • Option 2 - QR Code

    Use the Smart Health Card Verifier App. When the app can confirm a vaccination record it will show:

    • A green “Verified” message

    • Information about the vaccine

    Note: this will share a QR code that you will present to the manager ALONG with a valid photo ID that matches the information presented

  • Option 3 - Vaccination card or Immunization record

    Verify that the proof of vaccination has the person’s name, vaccine brand, and dates administered:

    • If J&J, verify single dose with date 14 days prior to today.

    • If Pfizer or Moderna, verify 2 doses. The second dose should be 14 days prior to today

    Also will need to provide a valid photo ID that matches the records presented